Wednesday, October 17, 2012

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Bloom, the bottomless Red trace of ethereal records have joys and sorrows, deep and shallow, shaking nfl deep footprint, unexpected grief, he clearly felt the break like a tear of pain, is well aware of the day split when that knife, and meet again the day is unpredictable.
The wind is lighter, the cloud fades long hit, a feeling that is longing for the end of time wandering years, nfl along the dedicated care of Waner and Yang Ying, let them suffer the wind and the rain and sun and cold hearts also exposed to great suffering and longing, face weight loss, skin color is more dark, get along with the point of drip
?Drops in the eyes of tears, as marks, spend the day and night in the palm of the line pattern, even though the golf covered with scars, also no edge rocks, rain or shine, miss the slightest trace of moist heart, love The strand a wisp soaked lungs, he suddenly remembered something, looking at the face dust Waner and Yang Ying, distressed and said: Waner and Yang Ying bloated warm wearing a mink coat, white mink set off their bright red face, is particularly enchanting, a long time, they silently stare in front of magnificent scenery, towering Xuefeng, such as the Yulong into the sky, the peak the mist-shrouded, exudes A breathtaking beauty.
Grand ancient lamasery, faintly came the distant Fine, gold-covered statue of the following, numerous Lama never stops tireless remembered complicated and difficult to u

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