Friday, May 25, 2012

Reds Jerseys On the lawn

, This child, childhood malnutrition, that heaven, earth, save my home Mandy! Niuwa.
Pakistan, Minba A, Rao A blinking his little eyes looked to see Chen,Reds Jerseys, looked at the Liu Ching Jingyi Road: 'Thump' the crowd fainted.
mlb them everything is laid out to see if earlier, Jingyi Zhang took them to take the kids to play the game of 老鹰抓小鸡, leaving Rao sensitivity where heartless biting with beef dry.
Looks most strong body, muscle is the most developed Liu Ching-doing my eagle, real M1b, Jingyi Chen, Zhang hens, followed by, respectively, with five or six children, took their clothes 'hen' happily play.
On the lawn, from time to time came the laughter of children chattering, from time to time, the children fall, but the courage to get up and rejoin the team.
Play for half an hour, Zhang look at the time is almost up, the kids eat, let mlb them with the already breathless children sat on the lawn to take a break, to go to himself and Jingyi under a tree ready lunch.
Do not know when the other side of the lawn more than eight or nine boys playing soccer, naughty kids love animals, have went near the spectators, several small boys like simulation plots learn their play action, little girls in the next to talk non-stop twittering.
Suddenly, the guard of the party kick-off errors and one foot kick distortion, the ball straight kids flying.
Several age, alert children to hear the cries of the mlb they escape, but most children do not realize the impending danger, still stood there doing their own thing.
'Bang!' Straight to hit the ball end of a fat little girl's forehead, she wrecked the 'plop' sound, and fall to the ground. Come to a halt after a few seconds, and finally the 'wow' to a crying out.
Take the little hands to open small round clutching his forehead, a red red marks appear immediately in front of everyone, this is what really does not light, mlb they worry that vulnerable children head capsule, just that the next blow will lead to damage of the brain?
Fortunately, mlb security expertise lesson learned for emergency treatment and injury assessment, shaking, in front of the small circle with your fingers to test the reaction of her eye, but also with several methods, the real M1b took a deep breath , and finally to temporarily exclude a possible concussion.
At this time there playing those ran over a person, does not seem to see the look of a child was hit by the ball, picking up the ball and turned away.
Turned to

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